Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014

Ägypten - Egypt - Egypte - ♥

Heute ein paar Einblicke aus meinem Ägyptenurlaub .. mein absolutes Lieblingsreiseziel!!

Samstag, 3. Mai 2014

Hallo & ¡Buenos días!
Today I'd like to show you some impressions from my trip to Mallorca.
These pictures are from 2011. I'm happy to tell you that there are 15 days left until I'm back there. 

But now some impressions..

and .. 

Freitag, 2. Mai 2014

hallo, hej, salut, ciao, god dag & holá 

Hello, my name is Pia and I'm from Lübeck. 
Ever since I can remember I travel. After graduating from high school, which I am doing now, I am fulfilling my dream and start a training as a tourism assistant for business and leisure at TUI. In addition to traveling, I love to photograph. For this reason I have decided to create a blog where I introduce as many destinations as only possible. 

Love, Pia